Saturday, January 9, 2010

Motorcycle Wheel Clamp Is It Possible To Powdercoat A Wire Spoked Motorcycle Wheel?

Is it possible to powdercoat a wire spoked motorcycle wheel? - motorcycle wheel clamp

I want my wheels on my m / cycle and how the spokes powdercoated donr thread, but I do not know if this is possible,


Magz™ AMCNAS leader said...

yes ...

Powder coating is nothing ... (almost)

while it does not melt in the oven, and before powder coating.

vtwin_do... said...

You can powder, but the wheel must be completely disassembled, which means that the rim, hub, spokes and nipples are independent and must be removed, all bearings / races, then after powder coating and assembled with new bearings / races, and are correct.
When this happens, the powder coating in the talks and stamped on the rim and spoke to her nipples, joints and cracks and peels off when adjusting the beam for voltage and dressing.

Philip P said...

Vtwin-doc is right, if you want a professional finish, but with larger wire wheels, if the replacement is not available, is a cost effective solution for the coating of powder lot.
But it is a cheap solution will not last forever, and in some cases, the decomposition process, which is under water and is trapped against the metal and accelerate to promote rapid oxidation.

armored_... said...

Yes, of course, clean the wheels and all the rays promote good at first glance liability. Also, remove the wheel bearings and seals and put screws in old holes prepared in the bucket, or a rooster, the son who runs gunk with powder coating.

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