Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sinus Wash How Can I Get This Sinus Headache To Go Away?

How can I get this sinus headache to go away? - sinus wash

I use Sinus Buster nasal spray, which works normally. I had this headache since Friday night. People always tell me that the use of a sinus wash salt, but I tried. It makes me burn the nose, and I can not stop coughing when I use it. I take Sudafed and Tylenol.


Bob G said...

I had good results when my doctor gave me Allegra-D.
but say doc, you can not start no longer with, just when you suddenly.

captains... said...

Are you sure it's a sinus headache? Sounds like a headache for me. And the nasal spray could make matters worse.

noel l said...

to dress for a warm wash forehead for 15-20 minutes.

noel l said...

to dress for a warm wash forehead for 15-20 minutes.

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