Sunday, December 6, 2009

Gallbladder Attack Does This Sound Like A Gallbladder Attack?

Does this sound like a gallbladder attack? - gallbladder attack

Male, 35 years. Over the past two weeks I have occasionally had pain in the right upper quadrant (mild to moderate), sometimes with radiation into the left side of my abdomen. So much gas, and the attacks often start after a bowel movement. I also feel as if I had a slight fever. If, however, the attacks go, it's like I never had time. This morning I had but a crisis that lasted four hours, now. The pain is not unbearable (a little softer, but still moderate), but it is more annoying than the standard error of the stomach. This is the second attack I've had in a week.

Details: My father had his gall bladder removed several years ago.


Lesa said...

It is difficult to say whether or not the gallbladder, similar symptoms in mild irritation of the gallbladder sound. If the attack is difficult, most people also exudes the feeling of pain in the chest or back and shoulders. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

wong_say... said...

I do not want that gallbladder disease is not genetic, but I'm not an investigator or an expert, research or teaching of this type.

Have you a doctor? You should not ask people at random for checking, if it is not.

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